Conectamos a Bitcoin
con DeFi usando
BTC nativos
Swaps entre cadenas

Nuestros Atomic Swaps te permiten experimentar finanzas realmente descentralizadas con una interoperabilidad de tokens sin complicaciones, manteniendo la red de Bitcoin limpia y segura.

Destacado en las publicaciones más importantes

Inspirada en Bitcoin y diseñada para el futuro. la arquitectura de Mintlayer combina principios probados con innovación de vanguardia.

Inspirado en la arquitectura de Bitcoin

Combinando la sabiduría de Bitcoin con la innovación de la cadena de bloques, hemos creado una poderosa infraestructura tecnológica. UTXO, Atomiq Swaps, ZK-rollups y contratos inteligentes simplificados se unen para brindar máxima seguridad y rendimiento.

Ecosistema de Tokenización para Activos Reales (RWA)

Prepárate para una plataforma SaaS de RWA fácil de usar, pensada para que las instituciones tokenicen activos con una plantilla sencilla. Además, la plataforma incluirá servicios de cumplimiento integrados.

Swaps nativos entre cadenas

Nuestros intercambios nativos entre cadenas (como los Atomic Swaps) permiten realizar intercambios seguros y directos entre blockchains. Al ser peer-to-peer, eliminan intermediarios, tokens envueltos y el riesgo de contraparte, garantizando un intercambio de activos seguro y directo.

ZK Layer 3
Solución de escalamiento

Estamos desarrollando ZK Thunder Network, una solución de capa 3 compatible con EVM y de alta velocidad en Mintlayer. Esta tecnología de próxima aparición combina nuestra seguridad de capa 2 con la compatibilidad con EVM y la escalabilidad de ZK, con el objetivo de mejorar significativamente la funcionalidad de Bitcoin.

Únete a la revolución de
Bitcoin DeFi con $ML

Explora ML
ML Coin Staking

¡Pon tus monedas ML a trabajar! ¡Haz stake y gana hasta 76.22% APY!

Haz staking con tus monedas ML usando nuestro Blockexplorer, la billetera Mojito y comienza a ganar ML hoy mismo.

Explorador de bloques

Tu ventana a la red Mintlayer.

Navega, consulta y verifica transacciones y bloques en la red Mintlayer con nuestro intuitivo y completo explorador de bloques.

Construir en Mintlayer

Construye el Futuro: Desarrolla en Mintlayer

Accede a nuestro código de fuente abierta y al software de nodo completo para desarrollar, contribuir e innovar dentro del ecosistema Mintlayer, ampliando las capacidades de Bitcoin.

Mojito Wallet

Tu puerta de entrada a Mintlayer, Bitcoin y más

Comienza tu viaje hacia el ecosistema Mintlayer.

Almacena de forma segura tus monedas de BTC, ML y tokens MLS-01 con Mojito Wallet. Acceda fácilmente a sus fondos desde la aplicación móvil o la extensión del navegador.

Haz staking con tus monedas $ML en Mojito Wallet
Compatible con nuestra moneda nativa: $ML
Token compatible con MLS-01
Descarga Mojito Wallet
Aprende más

La tecnología de Mintlayer es una combinación única de principios probados combinados con innovación blockchain de nueva era.

Ofreciendo escalabilidad

El agrupamiento de transacciones reduce el tamaño de las TX hasta en un 70%, lo que disminuye las tarifas y la congestión de la red. Además, la compatibilidad con Lightning Network ya está disponible, y pronto llegará ZK Thunder, nuestra capa de ejecución L3 compatible con EVM.

Mejora la descentralización

Los intercambios nativos entre cadenas P2P (Atomic Swaps) eliminan la necesidad de CEXs y pools de liquidez. Los bajos requisitos de hardware promueven la inclusividad, permitiendo que cualquiera pueda ejecutar un nodo completo, incluso en un Raspberry Pi, fomentando así la verdadera descentralización.

Seguridad y confiabilidad

Mintlayer prioriza la seguridad con contratos inteligentes no Turing completos, lo que limita la complejidad y facilita las auditorías. Su modelo UTXO, aunque con tiempos de bloque ligeramente más lentos, mejora la fiabilidad general.

Aumenta la interoperabilidad

Mejorando la interoperabilidad blockchain con Atomic Swaps, permitiendo intercambios seguros y directos entre redes. Esta tecnología facilita transacciones peer-to-peer, eliminando intermediarios y simplificando las interacciones entre cadenas.

Sostenibilidad como prioridad

La reducción en las demandas computacionales permite que incluso un dispositivo de bajo consumo, como un Raspberry Pi (1-5 vatios), ejecute eficientemente un nodo Mintlayer.

Reducir las fricciones

Los intercambios nativos entre cadenas de Mintlayer, o Atomic Swaps, reducen las fricciones en DeFi al permitir el uso de Bitcoin nativo, sin necesidad de tokens envueltos ni intermediarios.


Convierte tu proyecto en realidad con el Fondo del Ecosistema Mintlayer

Explorar el ecosistema

Programa de incubación

Programa de aceleración

Iniciativa de becas

Sobre nosotros

Pioneros del cripto: las mentes
detrás de Mintlayer

Nuestro equipo reúne a diversos expertos en blockchain, incluyendo veteranos de Tether, Binance y Bitfinex, junto a pioneros del cripto como Charlie Shrem, todos comprometidos en revolucionar el papel de Bitcoin en DeFi.

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Las últimas noticias de nuestro hub.


September 2024 Mintlayer Development Update

Read this post for a full update of September’s development progress.

October 3, 2024

August 2024 Mintlayer Development Update

Mintlayer August Development Progress - Atomic Swaps launched on Testnet

September 12, 2024

July 2024 Mintlayer Development Update

Mintlayer July Development Progress - find out what the team has accomplished this month

August 3, 2024

June 2024 Mintlayer Development Update

Mintlayer June Development Progress - find out what the team has accomplished this month

June 28, 2024

May 2024 Mintlayer Development Update

Mintlayer May Development Progress - find out what the team has accomplished this month

May 29, 2024

Become a Mintlayer Ambassador

Learn how to become a Mintlayer Ambassador

May 28, 2024

April 2024 Mintlayer Development Update

Mintlayer April Development Progress - find out what the team has accomplished this month

May 2, 2024

March 2024 Mintlayer Development Update

Mintlayer March Development Progress - find out what the team has accomplished this month

April 3, 2024

February 2024 Mintlayer Development Update

Mintlayer February Development Progress - find out what the team has accomplished this month

March 6, 2024

Mintlayer Mainnet Launch Recap

Mintlayer 2023 year in review and Mainnet Launch Recap

February 21, 2024

Mintlayer Mainnet Launch - January 29th, 2024

Mintlayer is set to launch its mainnet on January 29th, 2024 find out all the details.

January 10, 2024

Art Meets Blockchain: A Journey Through NFTs and Bitcoin

Uncover the transformation of art and value in the blockchain era through NFTs and Bitcoin upgrades.

December 11, 2023

November 2023 Mintlayer Development Update

Read this post for a full update of November's development progress.

December 5, 2023

October 2023 Mintlayer Development Update

Read this post for a full update of October's development progress.

October 26, 2023

September 2023 Mintlayer Development Update

Read this post for a full update of September's development progress.

September 29, 2023

Incentivized Testnet: Final Distribution Details

Get the full distribution details on Mintlayer's incentivized testnet program.

September 27, 2023

A Comprehensive History of Mintlayer's Consensus Evolution

Delve into the intricate journey of Mintlayer's consensus development from its inception to its current state.

September 12, 2023

August 2023 Mintlayer Development Update

Read this post for a full update of August's development progress.

September 1, 2023

Mintlayer's Incentivized Testnet: A Guide to Earning More with TML

Learn about the Mintlayer Incentivized Testnet and how you can be rewarded for participating.

July 31, 2023

July 2023 Mintlayer Development Update

Read this post for a full update of July's development progress.

July 26, 2023

Mintlayer Public Testnet Launch

We are thrilled to annouce that July 31, 2023, is the date for the highly awaited public launch of the Mintlayer testnet.

July 21, 2023

Understanding Crypto Staking

Understanding crypto staking's contribution to blockchain operations and the benefits and drawbacks.

July 13, 2023

Understanding Cross Border Transactions With Bitcoin

Learn about the benefits and challenges of using Bitcoin to send money overseas.

July 6, 2023

Bitcoin and CBDCs: The Future of World Trade

Learn about the CBDCs and the possible role Bitcoin could play in monetary policy.

June 29, 2023

June 2023 Mintlayer Development Update

Read this post for a full update of June's development progress.

June 28, 2023

What Can I Buy With Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is the most prominent digital currency. It may surprise you to learn about all the companies that accept Bitcoin as payment.

June 21, 2023

What Are UTXOs?

UTXOs are the building blocks of Mintlayer and Bitcoin. Learn about the advantages and challenges introduced with this accounting system

June 15, 2023

Bitcoin Bridging

Learn how other blockchains introduce vulnerabilities to Bitcoin users and how Mintlayer solves DeFi's biggest attack surface.

June 9, 2023

Bitcoin Nodes Explained

What are Bitcoin nodes, and what is their function?

June 6, 2023

Bitcoin Mining Explained

Bitcoin Mining Explained? How does it work, and why is it necessary?

June 1, 2023

May 2023 Mintlayer Development Update

Read this post for a full update of May's development progress.

May 31, 2023

Mintlayer ML Staking

Learn about our staking program and how you can engage with the Mintlayer network.

May 24, 2023

Bitcoin Halving Explained

What is Bitcoin halving? What effect will it have on Mintlayer?

May 23, 2023

The Problems With BRC-20 Tokens

BRC-20 has caused a stir lately, but is the tech really sound for real life use cases?

May 12, 2023

The Blockspace Dilemma: Bitcoin Congestion and the Emergence of Inscriptions and BRC20

Exploring Bitcoin's congestion issues and Mintlayer's potential as a solution.

May 11, 2023

How Mintlayer Adds Value to Bitcoin

Why does the world need another blockchain? Exactly how does Mintlayer add value to Bitcoin?

May 4, 2023

April 2023 Mintlayer Development Update

Read this post for a full update of April's development progress.

April 28, 2023

Looking Forward: Mintlayer’s Renewed Focus

As part of our ongoing efforts to revitalize our messaging and energize our community, we are looking forward.

April 27, 2023

Claim Your Share of Our $4M Grants Initiative

Mintlayer has approximately $4M available for open-source development grants.

April 4, 2023

We Are Updating Lightning Network Integration

We are changing the way we support the Lightning Network in the Mojito Wallet.

March 30, 2023

March 2023 Mintlayer Development Update

Preparing for the TGE and more work on the core. Read this post for a full update of our development progress.

March 29, 2023

Mintlayer’s ML token will list with

Mintlayer is proud to announce the ML token listing on

March 23, 2023

Mintlayer Rewards

Mintlayer users can stake their ML tokens to participate in the consensus mechanism, which will earn block rewards.

March 10, 2023

Ticker Change: MLT becomes ML

The Mintlayer token previously known as MLT is now known as ML.

March 9, 2023

Mintlayer Circulating Supply

Mintlayer's supply has a hard cap, and the circulating supply can be accurately estimated at any given time.

March 7, 2023

Mintlayer Pre-TGE ML Token Sale

Last opportunity to acquire Mintlayer tokens before TGE.

March 3, 2023

Mintlayer is Now Partnered With Launchpool Labs

Mintlayer is proud to announce our partnership with Launchpool! Launchpool is a project that connects the varied stakeholders of the crypto community.

March 2, 2023

What Makes Mintlayer Unique? Key Differences

Mintlayer istn't just another blockchain. It is carefully designed to be capable DeFi platform and interoperable with Bitcoin.

March 2, 2023

February 2023 Mintlayer Development Update

New browser extension, lots of core development, and work on entropy. Read this post for a full update of our development progress.

February 28, 2023

The Future of Bitcoin

The future of Bitcoin is so bright, but exactly what it looks like might surprise you.

February 23, 2023

Nation State Bitcoin Adoption

Bitcoin has the best chance of being adopted as or replacing national currencies in developing countries.

February 9, 2023

Future Use Cases for NFTs

Mintlayer's unique organizational structure, open source status, and technology stack make it ideal for organizational adoption of NFTs.

February 2, 2023

January 2023 Mintlayer Development Update

New browser extension, lots of core development, and work on the entropy. Read the post for a full update of our development progress.

January 31, 2023

The Future of Defi on Bitcoin

Mintlayer ushers in the future of DeFi on Bitcoin by removing the need for wrapped tokens and bridges, and building native Bitcoin support directly into the platform.

January 27, 2023

What Kind of Projects Can Be Built On Mintlayer?

Mintlayer will bring the full potential of DeFi to the Bitcoin blockchain. Here are some of the projects that could be built on Mintlayer in the near future.

January 19, 2023

Mintlayer is Now Partnered With Forint Finance

Mintlayer is proud to annouce our partnership with Forint Finance! Forint will integrate swappy, a cross-chain swap and DEX, into the Mintlayer ecosystem.

January 13, 2023

How Does Mintlayer Compare to Ethereum?

Mintlayer and Ethereum have several similarities, and also many differences that set them apart.

January 12, 2023

Mintlayer partners with Metaverse 4 Finance

Mintlayer is proud to annouce our partnership with Metaverse 4 Finance, an incubator event developed by dpixel and Sella.

January 10, 2023

What Are Smart Contracts?

What are smart contracts, and how will they be used on the Mintlayer blockchain?

January 5, 2023

2022 Mintlayer Year In Review

Year in Review 2022 update from Mintlayer.

December 27, 2022

What is the Utility of ML Tokens?

Mintlayer's ML tokens will have many utilities. In this article we will describe the evolution from exchanging for services to facilitating Dapps.

December 21, 2022

What Is the Meaning of TGE in Crypto?

TGE in Crypto means "Token Generation Event". TGEs are when a project's utility tokens become available to the public.

December 14, 2022

Mintlayer Token Launch Announcement

Mintlayer's token generation event (TGE) is scheduled for March 21, 2023. We have decided to issue Mintlayer tokens on Ethereum.

December 9, 2022

Community Call Recap - November 18th

Mintlayer call discusses the current crypto market conditions after the crash caused by FTX and why you need self-custody of your tokens and to use non-custodial wallets instead of centralized exchanges.

November 29, 2022

November 2022 Mintlayer Development Update

November 2022 at Mintlayer: Web wallet testing and forward thinking improvements. Read this post for a full update of our development progress.

November 28, 2022

Is Crypto dead?

Is crypto dead? Mintlayer is a solution to many current problems in crypto. See how users are immune from the same types of losses FTX users face.

November 23, 2022

Community Call Recap - October 27th

Our latest Community Call took place on the 27th of October. Michael Bille jointed Ben Marsh remotely to discuss the latest developments her at Mintlayer.

October 31, 2022

October 2022 Mintlayer Development Update

October 2022 at Mintlayer: Web wallet testing, MLS-03 and forward thinking improvements. Read this post for a full update of our development progress.

October 26, 2022

Community Call Recap - September 30th

Our latest Community Call took place on the 30th of September. Sam Patton joined Ben Marsh and Enrico Rubboli remotely to discuss the latest developments here at Mintlayer.

October 4, 2022

Progress Report: September 2022

September 2022 at Mintlayer: Lightning Network, web wallet, and core improvements. Read this post for a full update of our development progress.

September 27, 2022

Community Call Recap - August 17th

Read the latest progress update from the team at Mintlayer. Development progress, Mojito, and more.

August 23, 2022

Progress Report: August 2022

This month at Mintlayer: tokenization, Mojito, and more. Read this post for a full development update and learn more about what the team is building.

August 15, 2022

Community Call Recap - July 15th

Read the latest update from the team at Mintlayer.

August 3, 2022

Partnership Announcement - Seed Venture

Announcing our latest partnership: Mintlayer x Seed Venture! Discover the details surrounding our partnership with Seed Venture who will release their platform on Mintlayer.

August 1, 2022

Progress Report: July 2022

We have been making significant progress in our development, and have been able to release the Mojito wallet on both Andriod and iOS since our last progress report with great success and positive user feedback.

July 18, 2022

The Safest Way to Send and Receive Bitcoin: Mojito Wallet

Learn about the Mojito wallet, a Bitcoin storage solution that lets you manage your own private keys to send and receive Bitcoin in the safest way possible.

June 29, 2022

Why Mintlayer doesn't have a Foundation

While foundations are typically beneficial for blockchain projects, Mintlayer doesn't have a foundation because we want to encourage complete decentralization within the project, something which can become diluted.

May 18, 2022

Mintlayer Node - May 2022 Progress Report

Since beginning work on our new codebase in November of last year, Mintlayer has made significant progress towards our next testnet. A substantial amount of time has been devoted to the architecture and design of our node.

May 3, 2022

Mintlayer and Portal DeFi Cooperate To BUILD A Better Future

Mintlayer team and RBB Lab are pleased to announce a new collaboration with Portal DeFi, which is backed by Coinbase. Portal DeFi and Mintlayer have a shared vision.

May 2, 2022

Mintlayer Moves Off Substrate

In view of irreconcilable incompatibility between substrate and Mintlayer's long term goals, Mintlayer has decided to port its existing feature base off Substrate and on to its own node written from scratch. In this article we explain the rationale behind this and decision in fair detail.

February 1, 2022

Disrupting Asset Tokenization: an Introduction to Mintlayer's ACL

While the centralized system of handling stock issuance has served well so far, now there is a technology to decentralize the process althogether: it is possible to stock issued directly as a token. The aim is to do this with Access-Control List.

June 8, 2021

Bitcoin-Based protocol Mintlayer raises $5.2 million

DeFi Protcol Mintlayer has secured $5.2 million via seed funding round. On top of this raise, it has formed a strategic partnership with San Marino innovation.

May 24, 2021

Why Mintlayer adopts BLS signature

In order to reduce the blocksize and speed up transactions, Mintlayer settled on the use of signature aggregation. The quicker verification and the ability to hide transactions through m-out-of-n multisig aggregation made BLS signatures teh more attractive choice.

May 17, 2021

GameStop fuss is just another reason why the world needs Mintlayer

When WallStreetBest pushed the GameStop shares to unimaginable highs by betting against the hedge funds that kept shorting, it had shown once again how decentralized finance is unquestionable necessity for our times.

April 1, 2021

A new DEX concept for the future of finance

The concept of a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) in the crypto market has been around for at least seven years, originating around the time Bitsquare was founded in 2014.

March 2, 2021

The BlockInvest team explores Mintlayer as a potential blockchain infrastructure partner

The Team of BlockInvest, a FinTech project known as a financial instrument marketplace, is partnering with Bitcoin layer 2 Mintlayer

January 25, 2021

Bitcoin sidechain Mintlayer is the new standard for securities and stablecoins

The financial system's future is an ecosystem of tokenized assets.

January 5, 2021

Can Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) make use of decentralized protocols?

Central Bank Digital Currencies: a compromise between Bitcoin and fiat.

December 4, 2020

Mission (im)possible? Dethroning Ethereum network

The Ethereum network is still congested as it was a month ago, and a month before that, starting around the same time when DeFi stole the media headlines.

November 6, 2020

Why DeFi’s Future Is With Non-Turing-Complete Smart Contracts

DeFi (short for Decentralized Finance) is not a new term, but it became a trending buzzword in the crypto community seemingly overnight.

September 3, 2020

The Future of Securities on Blockchain

The DeFi hype of 2020 is reminiscent of the ICO bubble of 2017-2018. Rewind back a couple of years, when projects were popping up left and right, using blockchain technology to solve all that is wrong in the world.

August 24, 2020