August 2024 Mintlayer Development Update
September 13, 2024

Hello Mintlayers,

We apologize for the slight delay in publishing this month's development update. We wanted to ensure it included all the details of our latest release, version 0.6.0, which is a critical step towards completing the foundational vision of Mintlayer. Let’s dive into this month’s exciting developments:

Mintlayer Core Advancements:

  • Release of Version 0.6.0: We're thrilled to announce the release of Mintlayer version 0.6.0, marking a pivotal step towards finalizing the complete vision of Mintlayer. This version includes numerous enhancements and features:some text
    • Trezor Custom Firmware Support: Integrating deeper hardware wallet functionalities to enhance security for our users.
    • Testnet Upgrades at Block 297550: These upgrades introduce HTLC support for Bitcoin-Mintlayer Atomic Swaps and ANYONECANTAKE support for Mintlayer-Mintlayer Atomic Swaps, expanding our atomic swap capabilities.some text
      • Note: Atomic Swap GUI will be coming soon in the future. 
    • Mintscript Version 0: Currently for internal use, this scripting upgrade fosters more robust transaction scripting possibilities.
    • Data Deposit Cost and Size: We've reduced the data deposit cost to 20 and increased the size to 384 bytes, making on-chain data storage more accessible.
  • ZK Thunder Network Progress: In collaboration with our partner Salus, we are nearing the completion of the ZK Thunder network. This Layer 3 solution promises high-speed, EVM-compatible scaling that enhances Bitcoin’s functionality.
Mintlayer Layers Explained

Block Explorer Updates:

  • Enhanced Functionality: The search bar has been improved for better usability, and we’ve addressed various bugs related to displaying different types of transactions. Support for MLS-01 tokens has also been significantly enhanced, ensuring a smoother user experience.

Mobile Wallet Enhancements:

  • Google Play Compliance: We've updated dependencies to align with the latest Google Play Store rules, maintaining our commitment to providing a secure and compliant mobile application.
  • Bug Fixes: Ongoing improvements have been made to increase stability and performance.

Wallet Interface Improvements:

  • New Side Menu and Navigation: A new side menu has been added to enhance user navigation within the wallet. This update improves overall layout and accessibility, making it easier for users to manage their assets.
  • Backup and Restore Wallet Functionality: Users can now backup their wallet data to a JSON file and restore it from the same, providing an additional layer of data security and recovery options.

In Conclusion:

August has been a monumental month at Mintlayer, with significant technical advancements bringing us on the brink of launching a complete, robust, and versatile blockchain solution. As we look forward to the launch of ZK Thunder and the final steps towards completing what we first envisioned for the Mintlayer protocol, we remain dedicated to enhancing the blockchain landscape and providing our users with innovative solutions.

Stay connected for more updates by following us on Twitter, joining our Telegram community, and engaging with us on Discord. Your feedback and participation are crucial as we continue to develop and refine Mintlayer.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm.

Warm regards,

The Mintlayer Development Team

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September 2024 Mintlayer Development Update

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