Fai stake dei tuoi ML coins ora! Inizia a guadagnare fino a _% APY.


Guadagna _% APY
Inizia a fare stake dei ML oggi stesso!

Mintlayer Use Cases Lines

Opzioni di staking per i coin ML

Ci sono due scelte quando fai stake dei tuoi ML coins. Puoi scegliere tra gestire il tuo pool o delegare i tuoi coins a un pool.

Apri l'esploratore di blocchi per visualizzare i pool e l'APY% esatti.

Mintlayer Use Cases Ecosystem
Gestisci un pool

Per massimizzare i rendimenti e il controllo, gestisci il tuo pool di staking ML. Questa scelta offre l'APY più alto e ti coinvolge direttamente nelle operazioni di rete, richiedendo un minimo di 40.000 ML e di eseguire il nodo 24/7 - perfetto per coloro interessati a un coinvolgimento profondo nella rete e nella governance.

Mintlayer Use Cases DeFI

Scegli di delegare i tuoi ML coins a un pool esistente per un'esperienza di staking senza problemi. Goditi un APY competitivo senza gestire un nodo, a partire da soli 1 ML. Ideale per coloro che cercano un modo passivo per guadagnare ricompense e supportare la rete con un coinvolgimento tecnico minimo.

Mintlayer Use Cases Ecosystem
Interfaccia Grafica del Nodo

Per poter eseguire un nodo e ottenere il wallet completo è necessario scaricare l'Interfaccia Grafica del Nodo. Questo wallet convalida l'intera catena, offre la massima sicurezza e supporta sia la creazione e gestione di un pool di staking che la delega di ML ad altri pool.

Mintlayer Use Cases Ecosystem
Estensione del Browser Mojito

È il wallet leggero per coloro che vogliono semplicemente delegare coins a un pool. Può supportare la ricezione e l'invio di ML coins e la delega a un pool gestito da un operatore di nodo.

Come Fare Stake dei ML Coins

Guida passo-passo al fare stake

Passo 1: Acquista ML Coins

Get ML on:

Important Notice

Gate.io is the currently the only exchange with Mainnet integration, allowing direct withdrawals of Mainnet ML to your Mojito wallet. Other exchanges are working on Mainnet support and will offer it soon. For ERC20 ML token holders, use the Migration portal to convert them into Mintlayer Mainnet coins.

Passo 2: Scarica l'Estensione del Browser Mojito Wallet

Download the Mojito Wallet browser extension. Once installed, select “Add Wallet” then proceed to creating/restoring your “ML” wallet address.

Download Mojito
Passo 3: Migra i tuoi ML coins

Staking is only possible on the Mintlayer mainnet. If you hold the ERC-20 version of ML tokens on the Ethereum network, you must first migrate your tokens to the Mintlayer Mainnet (Note: If you already have Mainnet coins skip this step).

Head to Mintlayer Migration Portal and follow the simple instructions on the site.

Open Migration Portal
Passo 4: Fare Stake dei tuoi Mintlayer Coins delegandoli a un pool

Visit the Mintlayer Blockexplorer and choose the pool you''d like to delegate into by clicking on the “Stake” button to the right of the pool.

Once you have clicked the “Stake” button the Mojito Wallet browser extension will pop up (Note: Must have Mojito Wallet browser extension installed). The “Pool id” will automatically populate on the browser extension. You will need to follow the steps on screen first by confirming the fees then reentering your password and deciding on how many ML coins to stake.

Be sure to watch our video guide above or here on our Youtube.

Open Blockexplorer

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Can I stake the ERC-20 version of my ML token?

No. ERC-20 staking has ended. All staking has now moved to the Mintlayer Mainnet and require the mainnet version of $ML

How do I migrate my tokens from ERC-20 to Mintlayer Mainnet?

The migration process is easy just head over to the Mintlayer Migration Portal and follow the directions on the site. Additionally you can withdraw directly to mainnet from any of the supported exchanges.

Why is the APY different from one pool to another when delegating?

APY, when delegating coins from one pool to another, is influenced by several factors. On one side, there are the pool operator fees, which include the 'Cost per Block' and 'Reward Ratio.' On the other side, the Effective Balance is calculated in such a way that the more a pool is unbalanced or close to saturation, the smaller the Effective Balance becomes in comparison to the Nominal Balance.

If I delegate now, will I start earning ML immediately?

Yes. Rewards are generated each time a new block is signed by the staking pool you're delegated into. You will see your delegation balance increase with each new block the staking pool signs

What is Cost Per Block?

Both the Cost Per Block and Margin Ratio are “fees” charged by the staking pool operator. The Cost Per Block is subtracted from the block reward, before the Margin Ratio is applied.

What is the Margin Ratio?

Both the Margin Ratio and Cost Per Block are “fees” charged by the staking pool operator. The Margin Ratio is a percentage fee of the rewards earned, and is applied after the Cost Per Block has been subtracted.

Can a pool operator change their staking pool fee?

No. The staking pool fees are set during the creation of the staking pool. If a pool operator wants to change them, they must decommission their existing pool and start a new one.

What happens to my stake if a pool is decommissioned?

If you are the pool operator and you decommission the pool, your pledge will be sent to the address you specify. This amount is locked for 7,200 blocks, approximately 10 days. If you are a delegator, you must withdraw your funds from the delegation to an address of your choice. These funds are also subject to a lock of 7,200 blocks.

What is the effective balance?

The effective balance is the balance of a pool that is used to calculate its probability to guess a block. It is calculated from the nominal balance and the proportion between pledge value and delegations, its goal is to prevent centralization, the maximum possible value of the effective balance is 600.000.

Is there any slashing?

Currently, no slashing is applied on the network. However, if you keep your staking pool offline, you will not receive any rewards, and your delegators will likely search for a better-performing pool, which could also affect your effective balance.

Can the pool operator run away with my delegated ML?

No. The pool operator never has any access to your funds. Delegation is done by broadcasting a transaction on the network: you never hand over control of your funds.

Can I use a cold wallet to run my pool?

Yes. A cold wallet can be used to run a staking pool.

How secure is it to run a staking pool online 24/7?

Running a staking pool online 24/7 is highly secure as long as you follow standard security practices and keep up to date with latest software updates. The inherent design of blockchain and staking protocols also enhances security by distributing network operations across many participants.

Can I close my wallet after delegating?

Yes, you can close your wallet after delegating your tokens to a pool of your choice.

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